“Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary”

Service times


Morning Service

Newborough Village Hall, Guntons Road, Newborough, Peterborough PE6 7RT


Evening Service

200 Welland Road, Dogsthorpe,
Peterborough PE1 3SZ


Prayer Meeting & Bible Study

200 Welland Road, Dogsthorpe,
Peterborough PE1 3SZ

Who we are

We are a Bible-believing Baptist church. The word “church” actually means an “assembly” and at Calvary Baptist Church we take great joy in assembling together week in and week out to worship and serve our wonderful God. Someone has said that a church is a group of believers who have voluntarily joined themselves together to worship God and to carry out the Great Commission. We do not serve God in order to gain merit with Him, but because of what He has done for us by His grace, in thankfulness and not duty. We do not merely teach good advice, but we announce good news, the “Gospel”. We pray that as we move forward in our church we can please God and make a difference reaching out to win souls for the Lord Jesus in Peterborough and the surrounding area.

“And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him…
Then said Jesus,

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do…”

Luke 23:33-34

A message from our Pastor

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to have you visit with us. It has been my privilege to serve the Lord Jesus here in Peterborough since May 2013 and my wife Natalie and I look forward to seeing what the Lord will continue to do here.

Our prayer for people is that they know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and to become actively involved in a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church that cares for them. We want to minister to your family and to make a difference in our community for the Gospel’s sake. We desire to continue moving forward with the message of Calvary in Peterborough and around England and the world by helping to strengthen or start other churches as God gives opportunity.

God’s Word provides the only sure foundation on which to build your life. Our church stands firmly on the Word of God and believes it can make a difference in your life as well. If we can help you in any way, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jonathan VandenHurk

What to expect

  • There is parking at both buildings. In Dogsthorpe, entrance to the car park is from the rear of the building on Poplar Avenue. Alternatively, we may use the back of the local Spar shop’s car park on Welland Road.

  • There are no assigned seats; just sit where you like. Every seat has a great view of our screens that displays lyrics to songs, onscreen Bible notes, and announcements.

  • We will be singing traditional hymns (the words will be on a large screen, but if you have trouble seeing it, we also have hymnals available).

  • During the Sunday morning service we run an optional créche for young children and on Sunday afternoon, a Sunday School for all ages (during term times). In the evening services, while we do not have a dedicated children’s work, we have a special Parents’ Room called the Tots Corner, where you can take care of your young one if needed.

  • Come as you are! Some people might be dressed up in their Sunday best, but there will be plenty of others dressed casually. Whatever you’d like to do really, as long as it is comfortable and tasteful.

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